Monday, May 26, 2008

About ALLAH...

Allah is one, he was not born,He is alone, he has no Partner, Family, Children, or Parents.
He does not need help from anyone.Allah does not look like anyone and nobody looks like Allah.
He does not eat, drink or sleep.He was from ever and will remain forever,He alone is worthy of worship, and none besides him is worthy of worship.
Nothing is hidden from him, he even knows the thoughts that go into a persons mind.He is the most POWERFUL, MERCIFUL, and the GREATEST.
First there was nothing, except for Allah, he wanted the Earth, Sky, Sun, the Moon the Stars, the Angels, Humans, this Whole Universe -And so he made them!
Allah made the Heavens and the Earth, Day and Night, High Hills and Deep Valley, He made the Forest and made Fishes swimming in the water, He made the Birds that fly in the Sky.
Allah made the Sky so high, Clouds that carry water when it Rains, Earth so BIG and has grown the Fruits and Vegetables.
Allah has made the Flowers and the sweet smelling Plants, the Grass so Green and the mighty Sea and BIG Mountains, it is he who made Diamonds, Gold, Sliver and Pearls, this whole World is in his hands.
We belong to Allah, and to him we will return, our bodies are not ours they belong to Allah who made us out of mud (earth).
We should be very, very grateful that Allah has chosen the Religion ISLAM for US, ALLAH is our LORD, and MUHAMMED (S.A.W) is our PROPHET
Allah feeds all the Animals, big and small,He can hear the smallest Ant crawl on the ground.Allah can See us, Hear us, and knows what is in our hearts. We can not See him, but he can See us.
Allah made Halaal food for us to eat from, clean Animals. Allah has given us the Brains to make Houses, Windows, Lights, Doors, Roof ect. Plane so we can fly to Makkah and see Allah Talaahs house and worship him.
Allah has given us many wonderful gifts, he has given us our Eyes so we can see the beautiful things he has made, and also to see the words of Allah in the Quraan.He had given us our Ears so we can hear the Truth, and hear about our wonderful Religion Islaam.He has given us a tongue so we can speak the Truth and pray to Allah.He has given us the Brains to understand all things, and also to memorize Allahs words the Quran by heart, he has made our whole body,He made us, each and everyone beautiful with our individual beauty.
Allah the most powerful has made all the people in this world, White people, Black people, Strong people, Weak people, Rich people and the Poor people.But all the people are not the same, some believe in Allah and in Muhammed (S.A.W) they are called Muslims.The people who do not believe in Allah and his Prophet are not Muslims.
Allah wants us to be Muslims, Allah is very happy with Muslims. Those who believe in Allah will get Sawaab and Inshallah will go to Jannat, a very beautiful place.And those who do not believe in Allah will get punished and will be sent to Jahannam a very horrible place.

Knowing Muhammad...

Sayyidinah Muhammad (S.A.W) was the last of all the prophets sent by Allah Taa’laa.
Allah Taa’laa decided that after Sayyidinah Muhammad (S.A.W) there will be no more prophets sent to teach and guide the people of the world.
Sayyidinah Muhammad (S.A.W) was born more than 1400 years ago in the year 570 A.D. His father, Abdullah, died just before he was born.His mother, Aminah gave him to a Bedouin nurse named Halimah to take care of him. After three years Sayyidinah Muhammad (S.A.W) came back to see his mother. When Sayyidinah Muhammad (S.A.W) was six years old his mother died. He was then cared for by his grand father ‘Abdul Muttalib. Abdul Muttalib was a very sweet and caring person who gave Sayyidinah Muhammad (S.A.W) special attention. After his death Abu Talib became responsible for Sayyidinah Muhammad (S.A.W) he loved Sayyidinah Muhammad (S.A.W).
Sayyidinah Muhammad (S.A.W) was a remarkable child with an exceptional sense of right and wrong, fairness and respect.When he was a child playing with his friends, two angels came down and washed young Sayyidinah Muhammad (S.A.W)’s heart with zam zam water. This purified his soul removing any hate, jealousy or evil thoughts and desires.
As Sayyidinah Muhammad (S.A.W) became older, his reputation for honesty and fairness caught the attention of the townspeople of Makkah. He earned the names As-Sadiq (the truthful) and Al-Amin (the trustworthy).On many occasions, Sayyidinah Muhammad (S.A.W)’s skills of logic and reason were able to stop tribes from going to war and killing each other.
Sayyidinah Muhammad (S.A.W) used to spend hours in the cave of Hira thinking about Allah Taa’laa. Once when he was in the cave of Hira. The angel Jibril came and gave the first Wahi (revelation).
For the first few years Sayyidinah Muhammad (S.A.W) gave the message of Allah only to his family and close friends. Then Allah Taa’laa ordered him to spread the message of Allah Taa’laa openly to every one. But only a few people believed in him. Most people did not want to leave idol worshipping.
The Kufar of Makkah gave Sayyidinah Muhammad (S.A.W) and his followers a very hard time. They tried every thing to stop the spread of Islam.
The Muslims went through many hardships until Sayyidinah Muhammad (S.A.W) left Makkah and migrated to Madina. The migration is called Hijrah.
In the following years the number of Muslims grew and the influence of Islam increased.Through out the Madina years, battles were fought with the Makkans.Ten years after Hijrah the Muslims conquered Makkah.

Sukar Untuk Megubah Perangai Manusia...

Mengubah gunung lebih mudah daripada mengubah perangai manusia. Kita lihat bagaimana Freeport saja dalam waktu kurang dari 30 tahun mampu mengubah bukit menjadi lembah . Mengubah hutan yang lebat menjadi pekan atau Bandar itu pun lebih mudah daripada mengubah tabiat seorang manusia. Mengubah laut menjadi daratan juga masih lebih mudah daripada mengubah sifat jahat manusia menjadi baik.
Dunia ini lebih mudah diubah daripada penghuninya di kalangan manusia. Kita lihat diri kita, sejak kecil kita pemarah. Sampai sekarang pun kita masih pemarah. Waktu kecil kita bakhil, sampai sekarangpun kita masih bakhil. Padahal kita tahu bakhlil itu sifat jahat. Begitulah penglaman kita mendidik diri kita dan diri orang lain di sekitar kita. Padahal, dalam waktu yang sama dunia di sekitar kita sudah berubah dengan pesatnya.
Karena itulah Allah datangkan Nabi dan Rasul untuk mendidik manusia (di zaman masih ada Nabi dan Rasul). Setelah zaman ketiadaan nabi dan Rasul, Allah utus ulama yang berwatak rasul alias ulama pewaris Nabi. Ulamam yang mewarisi segala sifat dan sikap Nabi. Akhlaknya, kepemimpinannya, keberaniannya, berhikmahnya, teladannya, semuanya mewarisi sifat-sifat Rasul.
Dari fakta sejarah dan pengalaman kita, kita bias simpulkan bahwa untuk membangun peradaban lahiriah siapa saja bisa melakukannya. Bila sarat-saratnya terpenuhi, kemajuan lahiriah di dunia kan bias dicapai. Akan tetapi, untuk membangun insaniah manusia diperlukan pemimpin yang bukan calang-calang pemimpin. Bukan sembarang pemimpin bias mengubah dan mendidik insaniah manusia. Insaniah manusia hanya mampu didik oleh pemimpin dan guru yang bertaqwa.

Hati yang MATI dan LALAI...

Seorang manusia yang hatinya lalai dengan Tuhan maka hatinya akan dipenuhi dengan mazmumah (sifat jahat). Karena dia telah lalai dengan Tuhan, dia tidak merasakan Tuhan dalam kehidupannya. Karena merasa bahwa Tuhan itu tidak lagi berperanan dalam kehidupannya maka rasa kehambaannya pun lenyap.
Seorang manusia yang hatinya lalai dan tidak lagi merasakan peranan Tuhan dalam kehidupannya maka jiwanya akan mati. Hati yang mati seperti batu yang keras. Air tidak dapat masuk ke dalamnya. Apapun yang di tanam di atas batu itu tidak dapat tumbuh. Begitulah apabila hati telah mengeras seperti batu, dia tidak dapat menerima pengajaran. Apabila dinasehati dia akan sakit hati. Apabila disebut nama Allah tidak terasa apa-apa. Apabila diingatkan mengenai dosa dan pahala dia tak peduli.
Manusia-manusia yang hatinya sudah keras seperti inilah yang akan menjadi bencana kepada dunia. Mereka akan menjadi penindas yang dzalim. Mereka akan menjadi pembuat onar. Huru-hara akan dicetuskannya.
Sungguh dasyat apabila hati sudah keras seperti batu.

rEmemBer AllAH

Begitu bangun tidur, kita sudah teringat dengan benda-benda yang sama sekali tidak pernah ingat kepada kita. Kita ingat duit sedangkan duit itu tidak pernah sekalipun ingat kepada kita. Kita sering mengingat dan mengangan-angankan kekayaan. Padahal kekayaan tidak pernah ingat kepada kita. Berbagai perkara lain banyak kita ingat-ingat sedangkan perkara tersebut tidak pun mengangat diri kita. Itu baru ketika bangun tidur, apalagi setelah kita berhadapan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari.
Mengapa kita jarang mengingat Allah, Tuhan yang senantiasa ingat kepada kita? Tuhan yang tidak pernah lupa kepada kita. Tidak sedetik-pun Tuhan melupakan kita. Dia senantiasa mendengar, melihat dan tahu tentang diri kita. Dialah yang menjaga dan mengawal kita. Dialah yang mentadbir dan memberi nikmat kepada kita.
Mengapa kita mengingat benda-benda mati? Mengapa kita sibuk mengingat-ingat makhluk yang serupa kita sedangkan Tuhan kita lupakan? Mengapa Khaliq yang menciptakan kita, kita lupakan begitu saja?
Makhluk tidak memiliki kuasa kepada kita sedangkan Tuhan berkuasa penuh kepada kita. Dia yang menentukan nasib kita. Mengapa kita tidak merasa takut dan selalu ingat kepada-Nya?

1st time i create My Blog......

Actually My father asked me to learn how to create
a blog at KOLEJ KOMUNITI,JITRA....From there,i think
i get many experience and knowledge..For me,it is very good to all people
because they can get a knowledge from any blogs...
The teachers that's taught me was from Universiti Utara Malaysia(uum)
Actually,Many things that we don't know in our life will we know and we can
share a information by using a blog...This is very important thing for me because i can
tell and show the true way for all people in the world that the god is Allah and the
prophet is Rasulluah...